Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do you really stop or does something make you stop...

...It's amazing to me that it takes 18" of snow to slow us down.  I'd much rather slow down while enjoying the sunshine hitting my shoulders sitting on a chair with the sand at my feet, a warm breeze blowing, and water "teasing" my toes!!  That only happens when we schedule a time to go to the gulf, or the coast, or a local state park/pond.  Again, it's a scheduled event! 
Okay, back to reality!!  The weatherman got it right this time. We definitely stopped!!!  The snow was a nice one (if you can say that about wintry weather...if you know me....I'm not a wintry-weather-kind-of-girl).  It started in the wee of the morning on Saturday December 19th and continued with blizzard-like conditions at times throughout the entire day into the early morning hours of Sunday December 20th.  The untouched white blanket was a pretty site.  It definitely "set the tone" for the upcoming Christmas eve and Day celebration.  
For me the best part of snow storms, is knowing that my family members are in their respected homes safe and warm and then Jim & I being together in our warm home.  It is a time to participate in those "simple things" of life.  Things that we work so hard to possibly obtain, but never have the time to enjoy them:  a good book, a longer personal quiet times, a favorite hobby, a musical instrument, a good movie, a game, a new exercise activity, a conversation with a special person, a nap. 
It's a time when I can do those things without feeling guilty about not doing "the important things".  It may not be like that for you, but it definitely is for me.  I'm thankful for these times of so-called forced hibernation to enjoy those things that give me more pleasure than the 9-5 routine.  It is an extra-special time because it isn't scheduled it is "forced", bot a good thing. It also puts the 9-5 routine things in a more proper order.  I'm able to do all things with a better attitude and more grateful attitude.
Jesus had to have times of rest and regeneration!  If is mentioned throughout the Bible several incidents where He went off to be alone; or he and the disciples went to a place to rest; to commune with God; to refresh.
Though I prefer spring/summer/fall type weather.  Wintery times like this weekend are welcomed.  May you enjoy the beauty of every day that God gives.  There is always something good to gain, we just need to slow down to see it.  God is always looking out for what is best for us! 
Stay warm and enjoy the season of winter!!  Oh, baby it's cold outside!!!!!


At December 22, 2009 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just talking to my father-in-law after we got our big snow that I was grateful to be forced to slow down for a few days. I got a lot done around the house, but there were no hectic running all around town from this or that activity all weekend long -- I needed that! Thank You, Lord, for making us slow down when You know we need it!

At December 22, 2009 at 10:13 AM , Blogger Tina said...

I feel the same way Lisa, that's why I rambled a bit on my blog. I'll be honest with you. I'm totally ready for this white stuff to melt away and spring bulbs start pushing through.....I'm a bit over anxious I believe. Have a wonderful Christmas and great New Year. Everyone will be home (DE) for Christmas. Definitely looking forward to it. Mom and Dad arrive on the 24th.

At December 28, 2009 at 9:21 PM , Blogger Sean and Lisa said...

Yes the snow was (ours is still here!)beautiful. And you are right sometimes we need to be forced to slow down and enjoy, at least I know I do, and being snowed in is a perfect way for that to happen. It wasn't until this past Saturday that I was able to drive my vehicle up and down our driveway but that's ok, the little's and I spent long hours baking, reading and snuggling....nothing better in my book. :)
Much love!


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