Thursday, October 4, 2007

Once a Friend Always a Friend

Tonight I had the opportunity to meet with some Christian women. A few in the group I have not socialized with for over a year and one for almost 2 years! We are getting together twice a month for an evening indepth Bible study. I used to attend this same study 4 years ago, but due to my schedule changing had to give up meeting with the group. We met at the Christian bookstore to view options and we found our study for this time and we will begin the end of October!!!

As we greeted each other it was like we never were separated!! I recall in the scripture where it says, No one can separate us from the Love of God. That's how it felt tonight. We picked up exactly where we left off, discussing our families and our lives in Christ as well as our lives here on earth. We ended our evening with a meal together and a decaf coffee. It is such a blessing to have a common bond in Christ that when we are apart from each other, we are still close in spirit and heart. It takes only a spark to rekindle the fellowship through this blessed bond.

I am able to attend two bible studies this fall. I originally I was involved in a great study, but it didn't work with my personal schedule, but God opened the door for me to participate with old friends on a night that works so much better for my personal schedule. I have a Tuesday morning study with sisters and a Tuesday evening study with sisters. What a blessing!!!! I will share with you from time to time things that we have discussed.

Speaking of sharing, the Tuesday morning class is a video series Beth Moore, the Patriarchs and it is wonderful. The daily personal questions are challenging and the videos themselves are full of information and detail. I have already seen how God's plan was laid out for us through Abraham. How blessed to be able to learn intricate details that I've been reading for years and with one word (Hebrew/Greek) I see the plan much more clearer. Beth has a way of taking a familiar section of scripture and dissecting it to see how the plan all unfolds. The series is going to be a good indepth study. I truly enjoy the personal daily questions.

May your week be filled with blessings and daily miracles!



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