Thursday, January 13, 2011

1st Born-Happy Birthday Matthew James Wilson

"she treasured all these things in her heart." ~ Luke 2:51b

This is one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible.  It might not have any impact on you, but to me it is a verse that describes the type of person I am.  I'm blessed to be a christian, daughter, wife, mother and grandmother and I find blessing in serving others.  These "titles" mean more to me than what occupation I hold or have held.  This scripture was stated about Jesus' mother Mary, who we know some about, but basically didn't have a life of her own.  She was a woman of servanthood!  From the first time she is mentioned in the Bible one can see her servant-type heart.  She is okay with being "Jesus' mother" or "Joseph's". She didn't need to be called by her occupation, but by what she treasured more in her heart.  She treasured her life as a servant of God. By this statement, Mary is very relatable to me...she was a christian, daughter, wife, and mother!  Her life was totally changed with her 1st born and she found blessings in serving.

Today our first born turned 29!!  I have been pondering or treasuring many thoughts in my mind and heart today.  The thrilled of being pregnant for the first time, being too far away from extended family to just "go over" when there were concerns or just the desire to be together (though we made numerous trips as did mom and dad during those years). Memories of living on a "shoe-string", but seeing how God always provided for us through the "angels" He gave us here on earth!  Enjoying the elation of being a parent as well as the uncertainity at the same time.

Matthew James Wilson was born on the 13th of January 1982. His presence was with us for 9months before, but when we actually got to touch and hold him, how our lives where changed for the good!  We have been blessed by the adventure that started with parenthood and I often reminence and store up memories and treasures that are too numerous to share and blessed to continue to "treasure all these things".

Matt has grown into a Christian leader, mentor, fabulous son, brother, grandson, uncle and someday will be a fabulous husband and father.  Besides being our son, he is now our friend and confidant.  We are so proud of the man is has become and how he continues to grow in His daily walk.

I am blessed to be "Matt's Mom", Megan's Mom, Lindsay-Mother-in-law, Jim's Wife, Jackson's get what I'm saying.

"Intense love does not measure, it just gives."


At January 13, 2011 at 5:15 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Wonderful post!
Love you,


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